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Collaboration with Wildfire Agencies

MySafe:LA has been supporting wildfire prevention for the past six years. Now, for the first time, the organization is being supported by some of the more recognized wildfire response and prevention organizations. The California Fire Safe Council, a non-profit entity that acts as a grants management partner for CalFire has awarded MySafe:LA with a grant to more specifically target wildfire mitigation in Los Angeles County.

MySafe:LA is dedicating one of our EMT and wildland firefighters to be the “county coordinator” for managing the core activities related to organizing and managing the various efforts of people living in the very high fire severity zone in L.A. County. Luis Fierro, who has been one of our team leads will head up the county coordinator role, but will also be supported by multiple people within MySafe:LA.

The goals are simple: to reduce the threat from wildfire by encouraging, educating, and supporting L.A. area homeowners to take steps to harden their homes and create more defensible space around their property. These two factors can mean the difference between losing or saving a home in the event of a fast-moving wildfire. Separately, but related to the overall objectives, MySafe:LA will coordinate its work with L.A. area fire departments. The existing collaboration with the Los Angeles City Fire Department is just one example – and our public/private partnership in this area, called the “Los Angeles Wildfire Resilience Alliance” has already been making progress relative to identifying at-risk communities, as well as the steps to support their fire prevention activities.

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