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Worried About Fireworks? Tell us What You Think!

A fireworks survey graphic

Worried about fireworks? For many people, the issues surrounding fireworks are not limited to the 4th of July. In various parts of Los Angeles, illegal fireworks are detonated on a nearly daily basis from mid-June to mid-August.

We’d like to know your thoughts when it comes to these explosive devices and your neighborhood.

Take our snap-informational questionnaire today. It takes just a few minutes, and it’s a first step in sharing your concerns.

The information, once gathered, will be shared with stakeholders in Los Angeles to establish possible next steps in reducing the threat from these loud and explosive devices.

Tell Us What You Think About Fireworks!

Here’s the link:

The questionnaire is available in English and Spanish.

The questionnaire will be available from the 30th of June through the 18th of July.

We hope you share this link with your family, friends, and neighbors. We want everyone concerned to share their opinions related to this important topic. Even if you don’t personally have any issues, it’s important to know that people are injured and on occasion even die as a result of the use of fireworks – legal and illegal. This danger affects children more than any other group. According to the CPSC, more than one-third (35%) of the people seen in emergency rooms for fireworks injuries from June 20-July 20, 2014 were under 15; nine percent were under five.

REMEMBER: If you want people using illegal explosive devices to be stopped, let authorities know, including a specific address to respond to. In the event of an emergency, dial 911.

You can learn more about fireworks at this link:

Have a safe 4th of July holiday, and a terrific summer!

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