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Todd Leitz a Winner in Our Book!

Todd Leitz

The Board of Directors for The Safe Community Project (parent organization for MySafe:LA) would like to congratulate Todd D. Leitz for his competitive and well balanced attempt to become the public address announcer for the San Diego Padres baseball club (a 2nd job opportunity on top of his MySafe:LA responsibilities). Todd was a runner-up in the competition with the Padres, but finished first in our subjective opinion.

Todd has been a Public Information Officer for MySafe:LA since 2012, and his focused, personable, and professional approach to community information sharing has been a tremendous asset to both MySafe:LA and The Safe Community Project. For those of you that don’t know Todd personally, he is a renaissance man – he is a baseball player, a singer, a voice over talent, a journalist, an emergency medical technician, a father and a husband. The opportunity to use his voice in the world of major league baseball was (and is) a dream come true for Todd. Our team has encouraged him from day one to challenge for those things he believes in – as we do with all of our people.

MySafe:LA sent two members to San Diego this past weekend to cheer Todd on as he competed for the part-time opportunity to announce player introductions and special information during Padres home games. As with everything he does, Todd took on the challenge with verve. The initial open audition drew more than 800 individuals, some from as far away as New Hampshire. Todd made the cut – and was part of the next round, and the next, and finally, to the top three. During this process, he had the opportunity to call an entire game during the regular season, so part of the mission was accomplished.

The eventual winner, Alex Miniask, is a New Hampshire resident (well, until this coming week), and proved to be a tough competitor. Still, Todd hasn’t really lost out – he can now easily continue to do the things that fill his week: teaching fire and life safety, communications for MySafe:LA, playing baseball, singing in a band, and cooking, not to mention enjoying time with his wife and daughters! Well done, Todd.

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