MySafe:LA delivers critical life saving initiatives to students, families, and older adults living in the greater Los Angeles region. We want your community to be more resilient to disasters.
We reach thousands of students, families, and older adults with life saving instruction on preparing for and surviving disasters. We teach CPR. We inspect homes for fire dangers. We install FREE smoke alarms. We support fire departments with training content.
If you live in the canyons and hillsides of the greater Los Angeles region, you know that wildfires are not only dangerous, but can occur at nearly anytime during the year. The old "wildfire season" has been replaced with anytime is wildfire season. MySafe:LA is helping neighborhoods to be better prepared.
Our podcasts are designed to bring you relevant and essential information on various topics, from wildfire readiness and survival to home fire safety, earthquake preparedness, and much more. Check it out!
These are our heroes – these are the graduates of the MySafe:LA Junior Fire Inspector program. These kids have completed specific training in fire safety and prevention. They’ve inspected their homes for working smoke alarms. If they need an alarm, we provide it – for FREE. They learn what hazards to look for, how to call 9-1-1, to protect their pets, and how to practice evacuation and much more. What they learn can save a life. You, too can save a life by making a small gift via our donation page. Let’s make L.A. more resilient together!
You've heard it before: It isn't a matter of IF, but a matter of WHEN. Los Angeles is moments away from the next earthquake. The southern end of the San Andreas fault is more than 100 years overdue for a major adjustment. Are you ready? Let's talk about earthquake preparedness.
The issue of homelessness in the greater Los Angeles region is one of the most challenging issues facing our society. What are the causes, and how do we as a community get people without a home into shelter so they can rebuild their lives? Is that even possible? MySafe:LA is educating students and neighborhoods about the complexities of homelessness.
Stay up-to-date with MySafe:LA activities!
©2008 - 2024 The Safe Community Project , all rights reserved, except where noted The Safe Community Project is a U.S. 501(c)(3) public benefit charity organization, EIN 27-0967511. MySafe:LA is a unit operating within the Safe Community Project charity umbrella.